ICEETE Conference Series <p><strong>The ICEETE Conference Series</strong> (International Conference on Economy, Education, Technology, and Environment) is organized by <strong>Tunas Pembangunan University in Surakarta, Indonesia</strong>. It serves as a platform for discussions and presentations on topics related to economy, education, technology, and the environment. The publication process is managed by Tunas Pembangunan University, ensuring the dissemination of valuable research and insights from the conference. The conference series serves as a hub for researchers, academics, and professionals from various disciplines to exchange insights, research findings, and innovative ideas. With its interdisciplinary approach, <strong>ICEETE</strong> aims to address the challenges and opportunities present in the realms of economy, education, technology, and environment. This conference series provides a valuable opportunity for intellectual discourse, networking, and collaboration, ultimately contributing to the advancement of knowledge and sustainable development in these fields.</p> Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia en-US ICEETE Conference Series 3062-6625 <p>All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.</p> <p>The <strong>ICEETE</strong> Conference Series on Economy, Education, Technology, and Environment retains the copyright of all published papers. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the conference papers will be considered a violation of copyright. Permission to use the content of this conference series for any purpose must be obtained from the copyright owner.</p> The Pictogram Icon as a Learning Media for Deaf Students in Visual Communication Design <p>In 2022, the total number of deaf or deaf students studying at Sahid University Surakarta will be 14 students. The government itself has mandated the right to education for children with special needs as regulated in Article 54 of Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, namely: Every child who is physically and/or mentally disabled has the right to receive special care, education, training and assistance at cost. state, to guarantee life in accordance with human dignity, self-improvement, and ability to participate in the life of society and the state. The obstacle so far has been communication in delivering material from lecturers to deaf students. This is because: 1) 90% of deaf students in Visual Communication Design cannot read written sentences that are too long. Deaf students of Visual Communications Design are accustomed to using hand sign language, namely a visual language that emphasizes the ease of moving hands, not the order of sentences based on SPOK, 2) The digital application used by deaf students to translate the lecturer's voice does not function properly. This is because sentences/words often appear that do not match what the lecturer in the course said. The aim of designing pictogram icons as a learning medium for Visual Communication Design students is that deaf students can understand and understand information about lectures and can carry them out well, so that deaf students are formed who are able to compete in society. To achieve this goal, the Innovation Development method is carried out using the Lee &amp; Owens Model method which produces pictogram icons which can help simplify verbal and written language into visual language.</p> Evelyne Henny Lukitasari Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 2 1 1 8 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.156 The Application of Flipped Learning Model to Cognitive Learning Outcomes and Laboratory Practical Skills <p>The world of education has developed very rapidly, so that new methods are needed to support the effectiveness of learning process in the classroom, such as ideas related to new educational models and unique ways to continue to communicate with students, inform, collaborate and assess the learning process so that learning becomes fun, without reducing the essence of education. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of implementing the flipped learning model on the cognitive learning outcomes and laboratory practical skills of nursing students at Sahid University, Surakarta. This research used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post non-equivalent control group design, the research sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique. The sample in this research was student of class A as a class using the Flipped Classroom model and student of class B as a class using a conventional model with a total of 74 students. The results of this research showed that the Paired Sample T-Test test results were p &lt; 0.05 which indicated that there was an influence from the application of the Flipped Classroom and conventional models on student cognitive learning outcomes and the average learning outcomes with the application of the Flipped Classroom were higher than those with the application of the conventional model. The conclusion of this research is that it is necessary to apply the flipped learning model because it can improve student learning outcomes in creative thinking.</p> Widiyono Anik Suwarni Rantiningsih Sumarni Sutrisno Fajar Alam Putra Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 2 1 9 14 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.172 The Influence of Education on The Level of Knowledge and Behavior about the Antibiotic for Lectureres at Sahid University Surakarta <p>The problem of drug misapplication is a case that still often encountered in society. Many people buy potent drugs without a doctor's prescription. Lack of knowledge in knowing the side effects of drugs, storing drugs and disposing of unused drug waste to be destroyed first causes many cases of medication errors to occur, thus increasing ineffectiveness in drug administration therapy. The aim of the research was to determine the profile of drug storage and disposal, family members of Sahid University Surakarta lecturers in drug management at home, the quality profile of drug management, and analyze the factors that influence drug management at home and their effects after being given the correct used antibiotics education. This research uses a pre-experimental design method with a pretest/posttest intervention design without control group, sampling for this research uses a purposive sampling technique. The sample for this research were lecturers at Sahid University of Surakarta in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria that had been determined with a total of 20 respondents. The results of the research show that the results of the Wilcoxon Test have a p value = 0.000 (p&lt;0.05). This shows that providing antibiotics medicine education influences the level of knowledge and behavior of the lecturers at Sahid University of Surakarta regarding drug use. The conclusion of this research showing that there is a need to disseminate knowledge about used antiobiotics medicine especially regarding antibiotic drugs, so that the public understands better how to use drugs properly and correctly.</p> Anik Suwarni Widiyono Rantiningsih Sumarni Sutrisno Fajar Alam Putra Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 2 1 15 21 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.173 The Successful Implementation of Kotter's 8-Step Change and PPM Transformation Model: Bluebird's Digital Transformation <p>Bluebird is a well-known transportation company in Indonesia known for its quality service and reliable drivers. Bluebird has a vision that changes with the times. The realization of the potential owned by the company is the key to the successful transformation carried out by Bluebird when faced with digital ride-hailing and also the COVID pandemic. Bluebird's transformation capability is reflected in its soaring performance results until now. This research concludes, analysis of the organizational transformation model and the stages of transformation that have been carried out by Bluebird in realizing its success in digital transformation. Data from the company's financial statements, official news, and company interviews in trusted electronic media are used in this research. The results of this study prove that the company has fulfilled the transformation aspects and is ready and successful in carrying out digital transformation. From the transformation carried out by Bluebird, public awareness of Bluebird's existence has also increased. </p> Yesica Dyah Oktavia Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 41 49 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.158 Multiple Representations in The Context of Education in The 21st Century <p>Multiple representation is an important part of practically any human experience. Literature is being extensively used to study how important multiple representations are for pupils’ in understanding a concept.&nbsp; Moreover, we explored whether particular traits in this group were related to participants, the physics concepts, or multiple representation. The eligibility requirements have been encountered in 47 articles studies from Scopus and WoS indexed articles. The review examined the Springer, Sage, Elsevier, Willey, relevant journals using a qualitative research technique.&nbsp; We conducted a search to find papers published from 2019 to 2024. Then, we use descriptive statistics and content analysis to analyse the data. Our qualitative content analysis revealed five key themes: multiple representations, external representations, and multiple representations in physics. The categories and frequencies have each been examined separately. We have been assessed the research's inadequacies in order to direct future efforts toward a deeper comprehension of physics phenomena. In the current reformation of physics education, multiple representation has been highlighted as a new trend in understanding a concept. As a result, the findings of this study may be used as a starting point for all stakeholders involved in physics education in the future, notably educators, professors, and researchers.</p> Desmitha Prafitri Alwi Parlindungan Sinaga Lina Aviyanti Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 63 74 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.152 Removal Of Turbidity Using Papaya Seed As A Natural Coagulant <p>This research aims to use papaya seeds to make a Natural Coagulant. Natural coagulants are compounds that can cause coagulation in liquids, particularly in water treatment procedures, and can be derived from plant, animal, or microbiological sources. This particular substance was selected based on research showing it to be an effective coagulant in the water treatment process. The objectives of this project are to create non-chemical coagulants using natural resources like papaya seeds, create ecologically friendly coagulants from these materials, and measure the turbidity of water samples after utilizing these plant materials. Papaya seeds should then be dried, ground into smaller bits, and extracted. Filtering should be completed following extraction. Papaya seeds were used in three separate ratio tests. When the three papaya seed amounts are ready, they will be measured in quantities varied to approximate six beakers full of sample water from Lake Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic for the jar test procedure. The papaya seeds will be extracted using 50 ml of distilled water. Of the three papaya seed ratios, the lowest turbidity value is 3.45 NTU for 10 grams, 1.77 NTU for 12 grams, and 4.97 NTU for 14 grams. The primary finding of this experiment is that papaya has qualities that can reduce the amount of turbidity in water. In conclusion, papaya seeds have demonstrated their ability to function as a natural coagulant and to lessen water turbidity.</p> Noor Farahin Bain Mimi Malisa Dolhan Nur Shuhada Arbaan Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 50 56 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.160 Natural Bleach Using Lemon Peel <p>Commercial bleach, as indicated by Yosi Santika Silitonga et al. in 2020, contains chemicals designed to eliminate dirt and stains. In light of this, a solution involving natural bleach derived from lemon peel has been suggested for cleaning purposes. This natural bleach can be produced by synthesizing lemon peel as the primary ingredient and combining it with ethanol and vinegar. The blend of lemon peel, ethanol, and vinegar forms an effective natural bleach agent. Experimental tests were carried out to assess the bleaching efficiancy of lemon peel extract on cotton fabric by varying the amounts of lemon peel in each mixture. Seven different doses of natural agents were tested for each bleach mixture. The findings demonstrated that lemon peel extract is proficient in lightening fabric color and removing stains while preserving fabric integrity, owing to the presence of citric acid in lemon peel which acts as a natural cleaning agent. Citric acid aids in dirt and grime removal, as well as providing a bleaching effect on fabrics, while ethanol functions as an additional cleaning agent and solvent. Additionally, vinegar with its acidic properties contributes to the bleaching process. The study also examined various parameters such as pH levels, the duration needed for lemon peel to eliminate stains on cotton fabric, and the toxicity of the bleach. Time measurements were taken during cotton cloth stain removal tests using natural bleach, based on the quantity of doses applied. Consequently, the bleach testing revealed that the most effective dose for dirt removal is a hundred grams of lemon peel, achieving stain removal within two minutes. It was observed that increasing the amount of lemon peel led to faster dirt removal, showcasing accelerated stain elimination on fabric and delivering a notably clean outcome. In summary, lemon peel extract presents a sustainable alternative with potent bleaching properties. The advantages of natural bleach encompass efficient cleaning without residual harmful chemicals, promoting environmentally conscious practices.</p> Wan Nurhazirah Kamaruzaman Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 35 40 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.157 Leadership Role in Implementation of Mutations on Employees’ Performance, Department of Education and Culture, Jeneponto <p>Leaders as an aspect of human resources have an important role in various activities of an institution. Leadership is a manifestation of a person's ability to influence members or subordinates to be willing to work to achieve agreed goals. Often during certain periods, employees are transferred. Transfers are caused by several reasons, such as filling employee vacancies in other offices, filling executive level positions and transferring executive duties, career development and position promotions, and the spoil system , namely mutations carried out on the basis of kinship and considerations of likes or dislikes so that employees are hired. mutation is not based on performance considerations. These various reasons clearly have an impact on the work rhythm which was previously well organized and organized. This research aims to find out: (1) Implementation of Mutations at the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Office; (2) Employee Performance at the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Service; (3) Implementation of Mutations on Employee Performance at the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Office. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological and sociological approach. The data source was obtained from employees of the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Office. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The research instrument is an interview guide. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction techniques , data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. Data validity testing uses source triangulation. The results of the research show that implementing mutations is not the authority or decision of the leadership of the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Service as a whole. Mutations are carried out because of a messenger letter from BKD for reasons of career development , filling vacant positions, filling executive level positions, promotions and spoiled systems ; not the decision of the leadership of the agency concerned. The performance of transferred employees varies according to their respective fields so that the tasks given can be completed and achieve the desired goals. In short, the implementation of communication for employees of the Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Office was not carried out immediately , but was based on a decision letter from the BKD. The performance of Jeneponto Regency Education and Culture Service employees varies according to their duties and procedures as well as their commitment to achieving targets.</p> Ermi Sola Reski Mei Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 2 1 22 26 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.177 Competitive Strategies of Building Material Stores in Facing Retail Industry Competition: A Case Study of XYZ Building Material Store <p>The retail industry in Indonesia has experienced rapid growth, especially in the building materials sector. This research aims to analyze the competitive strategies implemented by XYZ Building Store in the face of increasing competition in this sector. This research uses a case study approach, collecting qualitative data through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and analysis of company documents. The findings show that there is an adoption of a combination of cost advantage, differentiation, and focus strategies to maintain its position in the market. External factors such as fluctuating raw material prices, government policies, and technological advancements also have a significant impact on competitive dynamics. In addition, this study highlights inter-store or retail competition, the existence of supplier monopolies, and the procurement of development plans that are often won by certain stores. Digital transformation and innovation are proving crucial in improving operational efficiency and market reach. The insights gained from this research make a valuable contribution to academic literature and practical business strategy development, offering guidance for building materials retailers to improve their competitiveness in an ever-evolving market.</p> Rusnandari Retno Cahyani Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 57 62 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.161 Development of Balaghoh Badi’ Questions based on HOTS using WordWall Media for Madrasah Aliyah Students <p>High Order Thinking Skill includes three important components in helping to improve the mindset, there are analyzing, evaluating, and creating. However, there is no implementation of HOTS in Balaghoh, because this matter were considered difficult, whereas HOTS can solve this because the student not only understand the matter, but also analyze, evaluate and create the sentences correctly without memorizing it. To help the students understand the useful of these <em>qowaid, </em>the researcher developed badi’ questions based on HOTS with media word wall, this media can encourage the student to answer and help them to create the sentences like Arabs create it. The type of research used by researchers was R&amp;D as well as data collection techniques used in this research is observation, interview, questionnaire and test. The sample in the study was third grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga with a total of 20 students. The instrument in this study used a High Order Thinking Skill-based test totaling 50 questions that had been placed in WordWall media. The data analysis technique in this study used a question validity test which obtained a valid category on all questions. and the reliability test got a value of 0.974 which is a reliable category, in the item difficulty test there were 14 questions in the easy category, 24 questions in the medium category, and 12 questions in the difficult category. And in the test of discriminating power there are 22 questions</p> Nurul Hidayah Mukmin Mukmin Muhammad Naufal Athalla Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 75 94 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.163 Building Roof Model Influenced by Environmental Climate <p>The roof is the main thing in a building that functions to protect the building and occupants. Indonesia has gable and trapezium roof models. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages are managed to become a strength that complements the building. The roof consists of three parts, first the roof frame, second the roof covering frame and the covering material. The roof frame is often called the truss and is made of wood, iron, concrete or mild steel. The covering frame is often called a batten made of bamboo wood or mild steel. The roof is often called tiles made from clay, concrete or metal. Each roof construction has different slope requirements.&nbsp; The slope angle will affect the maintenance, durability and beauty of the building. Determining the angle must be careful and adjusted to the characteristics of the roof covering. The characteristics of the roof angle are influenced by the impermeability of the covering material. The more impermeable it is, the slower the angle will be. The climate also affects the existing roof model. The angle of the roof will be influenced by the environmental climate. The climate affects the use of roof angles.</p> Marwahyudi Dian Muhammad Rifai Dea Syahnas Paradita Indy Rafia Dina Kristiana Seftianingsih Henny Trihastuti Hasana Khairunissa Chandra Kinanti Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 95 101 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.164 The Role of Technology to Sustainability in Building Maintenance for Infrastructure <p>Based on the law No. 28 of 2002, The building is the outcome of construction activities that are either partially or entirely integrated into its location, whether on land or in water. In accordance with the definition of a building, the building must be able to be used for its intended function. In addition, all buildings have a service life. To achieve the planned service life, buildings must be maintained.</p> <p>Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a building modeling process that was primarily based on 3D models and has been developed to 8D that provides information and tools that help the planning process to maintain assets more efficiently and effectively. BIM in its early days served to assist in the design, construction and operation of buildings. Although it has not been widely done, it is currently starting to develop BIM functions to assist building asset management. This article uses descriptive methods to describe the relationship between BIM technology and building maintenance for the implementation of sustainable building strategies. With this information, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge related to technology development for infrastructure which is very useful for easier maintenance on building assets and all data can be well organized. As well as the importance of the sustainable development strategy implementation.</p> Wiwik Wiharti Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 102 110 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.165 The Strategic of School Principal Leadership in Dealing with School Management Problems at The Menara Fitrah Integrated Islamic High School <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">School management plays a very important position in the implementation of education. However, in implementing school management, it cannot be separated from challenges and challenges. As the highest peak in the school's organizational structure, the principal has a significant role in determining direction and policy in the running of management at the school.This research aims to analyze the principal's leadership strategy in dealing with various school management problems at SMA IT Menara Fitrah and identify supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the principal's leadership strategy. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. carried out at SMA IT Menara Fitrah, Ogan Ilir Regency. The key informant of this research is the school principal and the supporting informants are teachers and students. Research data was collected by interviews, observations and documentation studies. To obtain credible findings and data validity, triangulation techniques were used. The research results show that the principal of SMA IT Menara Fitrah applies transformational leadership strategies in dealing with school management problems. This strategy includes: building a clear and measurable school vision, mission and goals, maintaining a positive and supportive school culture, encouraging participation and empowering all school officials and stakeholders to achieve school goals, and developing an effective evaluation and accountability system. The factors that support the implementation of the principal's leadership strategy include the principal's commitment to realizing the school's vision, mission and goals. Meanwhile, factors that hinder the implementation of the principal's leadership strategy include the lack of communication and commitment of some school officials in supporting the success of school management.</span></p> Izzah Syamilah Nabilah Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 27 34 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.170 Optimal Bread Production Operator Placement by Using Hungarian Method <p><em>CV Roti Bangkit is a home industry that produces packaged bread with various variations. CV Roti Bangkit is addressed in Kadisono, Tegaltirto, Berbah District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Operator placement is done randomly in the manufacturing of oval cheese so that production targets are often not achieved. Therefore it's necessary to look at the position of operators.</em>The problem of optimal operator placement can be done using the Hungarian method. Time data for each operator is measured for each work element, and the standard time is calculated.&nbsp;<em>After receiving the most optimal operator placement, we can calculate the</em><em>&nbsp;</em>increased productivity<em>&nbsp;</em><em>before and after applying the assignment method. </em>Based on this research, the standard operator time before applying the assignment method is 90.96 seconds, and after using the assignment method is 75.41 seconds. The level of productivity based on standard output calculations before and after the application of the assignment method increases productivity by 27.28%</p> Masrul Indrayana Jono Ilmardani Rince Ramli Maura Dewani Christy Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 111 118 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.151 The Effect of Health Education on Nutrition on Increasing Mothers' Knowledge In Preventing Stunting In Children <p>Background: Early childhood stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that results in impaired growth due to long-term nutritional deficiencies. Stunting can increase the risk of disease, inhibit brain and mental development, and affect children's motor development. Lack of maternal knowledge can increase the risk of stunting in children. Therefore, maternal education and knowledge are very important in preventing stunting, so it is necessary to increase knowledge through providing health education about nutrition. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of providing health education on nutrition on maternal knowledge in preventing stunting in children. Methods: This study used pre-experimental research with one group pre-test post-test design. The number of samples was 36 respondents and the sampling technique used total sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis using the paired sample t test statistical test. Research Results: The mean value of maternal knowledge before being given health education is 61.89 after being given health education is 87.36. The results of the Paired sample t test analysis obtained a p value of 0.001 &lt;0.05. Conclusion: There is an effect of providing health education about nutrition on maternal knowledge in preventing stunting in children. Suggestion: nurses can carry out the role of educator through providing health promotion to mothers and the community as an effort to prevent stunting in children</p> Atik Aryani Indriyati Indriyati Vitri Dyah Herawati Ni’mah Mufidah Etty Eriyanti Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 119 125 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.167 Sustainable Peri-Urban Area Arrangement Using a Land Consolidation Approach (Case Study: Sanggulan Village, Tabanan Regency) <p>This research aims to explain the arrangement of peri-urban areas through a land consolidation approach that has been implemented by Sanggulan Village, Tabanan Regency. &nbsp;Land consolidation is an approach in organizing development by regulating land tenure, adjusting land use with spatial plans, procuring land for development purposes and improving the quality of the environment for sustainable development. Sanggulan Village is one of the peri-urban areas in Bali Province that has applied a land consolidation approach since 1984/1985. Despite facing several obstacles, the land consolidation process in Sanggulan Village was finally completed in 2019. Land consolidation in Sanggulan Village has had a positive impact, such as reducing land fragmentation, increasing development potential, improving accessibility, encouraging better property development, minimizing risk and uncertainty, and increasing investment value. This research uses a comparative case study and descriptive approach to find the positive impacts of implementing land consolidation for sustainable development in peri urban areas in Sanggulan Village. The results of this study can serve as an example for the arrangement of other peri-urban areas in Bali Province.</p> Jossh Talakua I Made Sudiarta Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 126 135 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.169 Development Two Tier Multiple Choice for Measure Students' Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Physics Learning <p>The two-tier multiple-choice question comprises two levels: the initial level centers on understanding the materials' notion. Conversely, the second tier elucidates the rationale for the correctness of the response provided in the first tier. Higher-order thinking skills can be assessed using a two-tier multiple-choice format. This study aims to create a set of two-tier multiple-choice questions that can effectively assess students' advanced cognitive abilities in physics. The research development employed the ADDIE development model, encompassing the five phases of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The two-tier multiple-choice test comprises 21 questions assessing the capacity to analyze, evaluate, and generate knowledge on sound waves. The participant group comprised 99 eleventh-grade students from Senior High School in Bandung. The content validity was assessed using the Aiken formula, while the empirical validity and reliability were analyzed using the Rasch model through the Winstep Application. The two-tier multiple-choice assessment method is applicable and viable for evaluating higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in sound wave content.</p> Misykah Aulia Anwar muslim endi suhendi Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 136 147 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.178 Integrating VUCA 2.0 Principles into Islamic Education to fostering Sustainable Future <p>Islamic education faces significant challenges in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) era, which affects students' ability to deal with rapid change and contribute to sustainable development. This research aims to explore the integration of VUCA 2.0 principles (Vision, Understanding, Clarity, Agility) into Islamic education to improve its quality in facing future challenges. Using a descriptive qualitative approach focusing on literature study, this research analyzes data from various sources using Creswell's model technique. The results show that integrating VUCA 2.0 in Islamic education can increase students' adaptability, develop long-term vision, deepen understanding, improve the quality of education, contribute to sustainable development, and strengthen Islamic values. In conclusion, integrating VUCA 2.0 principles is a strategic step to prepare a generation of adaptive, visionary Muslims who contribute positively to sustainable development. The implications of this research include improving the quality of Islamic education, developing more resilient student characters, and contributing more significantly to sustainable development through education responsive to global change.</p> Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 148 156 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.179 The Role of Designing the WAB-HAQQI (Watawa Saubil Haqqi Wa Tawaa Saubis Sahri) AI-Based Application to Enhance Self-Confidence in Youth in the Digital Age <p>In this digital age, individuals are required to keep pace with rapidly advancing technology. Social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram provide positive values, especially in terms of information that can be obtained through posts like images, documents, vlogs, and short videos. However, the reality is that information from these social media platforms can also have negative impacts. Observing others' lifestyles, academic achievements, and career success often makes youth feel insecure or lack confidence in their abilities. Therefore, the author developed WAB-HAQQI, an AI-based application aimed at enhancing the self-confidence of youth in the digital age. The application features a chat function that cites verses from the Quran. This study used the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method, which involves several stages: needs analysis, design, development, testing, and evaluation. The research results show that the WAB-HAQQI application is effective in enhancing self-confidence in youth. With this application, it is expected that youth can perform all activities with greater confidence and strengthen and create good relationships with themselves and others in the digital age.</p> Eka Hidayatin Rosendah Dwi Maulaya Linda dinil fadhilah Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 157 165 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.180 Comparative Evaluation of Phytoremediation Efficiency of Azolla pinnata and Pistia stratiotes in Methylene Blue Contaminated Water <p>Dye pollution occurs when synthetic dyes&nbsp; from industrial are released into waterways, often leading to environmental harm due to their persistence and potential toxicity and become significant environmental concern. The dye&nbsp; wastewater need to be treat before discharge to water body. However the current methods are costly and some of&nbsp; the treament can treat the various types of organic and inorganic compund in dye. Phytoremediation presents a promising eco-friendly approach for treating textile dye contaminants. This study evaluated the comparative performance and efficiency of Azolla Pinnata and Pistia Stratiotes in removing MB from contaminated water. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the uptake and absorption capabilities of both aquatic plants over a 12-day period. The reduction of&nbsp; the MB before and after phytoremediation process were analyze by using spectrophotometer. Results indicated that both Azolla pinnata and Pistia stratiotes effectively reduced MB concentrations, with&nbsp; achieved a removal efficiency of approximately 97.8 % for Pistia Stratiotes, 93.9% for Azolla pinnata and 95.1 % ( Azolla pinnata and Pistia stratiotes) . The high removal of&nbsp; through this aquatic plant were due to the capability of the plant to absorb MB&nbsp; especially&nbsp; through the roots that rich with microbial activity. Overall, this comparative study highlights the potential of Azolla pinnata and Pistia stratiotes as efficient phytoremediators for treating Methylene Blue contamination in aquatic ecosystems, underscoring their application fullfill Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation).</p> Ernie binti Zulkifli Ain Nurnajwa binti Anis Ayman Zahran bin Mohd Amran Ku Najwa binti Ku Azman Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 166 174 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.181 The Potential Waste Glass as Replacement of Aggregate in Pavement <p>Due to the rapid development of our country, there has been a significant increase in highway construction aimed at improving travel efficiency. Consequently, the demand for coarse aggregates has surged alongside the expansion of highways and roads, resulting in a sharp rise in aggregate mining activities. However, this increase in mining operations can have detrimental environmental impacts, including landscape destruction, loss of agricultural and grazing lands, riverbank erosion, deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution of air and noise. Glass is a unique material which is hardness, durability and ability to be completely recycled, but glass recycling in Malaysia is in its early stages. Less than 30% of new bottles are produced from recycled glass. In pavement applications, the replacement of aggregates with 10% and 30% waste glass has been investigated as part of controlled experiments. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of waste glass in achieving optimal pavement stability and flow characteristics. Adjustments in bitumen content have been made based on Marshall Testing to determine the optimal point for stability and flow.</p> Shawalrina Zainal Abidin Nur Shuhada Arbaan Siti Arinah Sanat Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 186 193 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.190 Utilizing Rice Husk Ash and Coconut Shell as Partial Replacement Materials in Concrete <p>The global demand for concrete, a predominant construction material, has risen significantly. Key components in concrete are cement and aggregate, which are crucial, but their continual extraction poses a threat to the environment, leading to a potential ecological imbalance. Consequently, current trends in concrete technology focus on exploring sustainable alternatives to reduce dependence on natural resources and mitigate environmental degradation. This study aimed to produce concrete using rice husk ash and coconut shell as partial replacement materials for cement and coarse aggregate, respectively. The mix ratio is 1:2:4 (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate) for grade M20 with the water-cement ratio 0.65. Rice husk ash replaced 10% and 20% of cement, while coconut shell replaced 5% and 10% of coarse aggregate by weight. Samples were tested for workability, water absorption, and compressive strength. According to the slump test, every sample exhibits collapse and a true slump, while in water absorption showed less than 8% according to the standard value. The control sample showed good compressive strength (&gt;20 N/mm²), while among the modified samples, the concrete mixture with 10% rice husk ash and 5% coconut shell achieved the highest compressive strength at 15 N/mm² after 28 days.</p> Chia Soi Lee Mastura Diana Mashur Muhammad Ainuddin Roslan Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 175 185 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.188 Absorption Of Waste Oil By Using Shrimp Skin <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The research, titled "Study of Absorption of Waste Oil by Using Shrimp Skin," addresses a pressing environmental concern and aims to raise awareness among the general population about the detrimental effects of waste oil pollution. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), constituents of oil and grease, can pose more significant risks than those originating from non-petroleum sources, such as vegetable oil. Common avenues for these pollutants to enter the environment include leaks from machinery and vehicles, illegal dumping, spills, and improper disposal of cooking oil. Notably, motor oil leakage into water bodies during storms exacerbates the problem. While waste oil is not a novel concept, public awareness regarding its impact on both direct and indirect aspects of daily life remains crucial. This research sheds light on the potential long-term health effects of waste oil and employs a survey technique to heighten respondents' understanding of the repercussions associated with untreated waste oil being discharged into drains. The central focus of the experiment is to evaluate the efficacy of utilizing organic chitosan from shrimp skin in absorbing waste oil from contaminated water sources. By examining the absorption capabilities of shrimp skin, the study not only contributes to the development of sustainable solutions for waste oil management but also emphasizes the importance of responsible disposal practices. The ultimate goal is to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of organic chitosan derived from shrimp skin as an eco-friendly and efficient absorbent for mitigating the adverse environmental impact of waste oil pollution in aquatic ecosystems.</span>sources. By examining the absorption capabilities of shrimp skin, the study not only contributes to the development of sustainable solutions for waste oil management but also emphasizes the importance of responsible disposal practices. The ultimate goal is to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of organic chitosan derived from shrimp skin as an eco-friendly and efficient absorbent for mitigating the adverse environmental impact of waste oil pollution in aquatic ecosystems.</p> Nur Shuhada Arbaan NOOR FARAHIN BAIN KINTAN OTHMAN Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 204 214 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.153 What Are The Roles of The Islamic State University Students In Facing 2045 Megatrend? <p style="margin-bottom: 0in; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: #252525;">The world megatrends of 2045 in the form of world demography, global urbanization, international trade, global finance, the middle-income class, competition for natural resources, climate change, technological advances, geopolitical changes, and geoeconomic changes are already happening. So, the duties and responsibilities of Islamic State University are, of course, getting bigger, and students play an essential role in the success of all the agendas and roadmaps formulated by Islamic State University and the government. Therefore, this study aims to examine the role of Islamic State University students in dealing with Megatrend 2045. This study uses a qualitative library method with documentation and content analysis techniques. The results of the study show that students act as agents of change in supporting the adaptation and transformation of Islamic State University, play the role of iron stock to become the next generation of quality, become social control to create a country that is safe and peaceful, and become a moral force to become Islamic State University students with noble character. In conclusion, Islamic State University students can become important actors in the success of government programs in dealing with the 2045 megatrend if they continue to develop their potential and carry out their roles well.</span></em></p> Uswatun Hasanah Farel Alhafiz Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 194 203 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.191 Reduce Oil in Domestic Wastewater Using Durio Zibethinus and Oryza Sativa <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waste cooking oil is a significant contributor to water pollution, originating from both domestic and industrial food preparation. This study aims to develop an oil trap and evaluate the effectiveness of durio zibethinus (durian) and oryza sativa (rice husk) as filtration media. These oil traps are engineered to separate and capture waste fats, oils, grease, and solids before they enter the wastewater system. The traps are installed at the terminal points of pipelines draining water from kitchen sinks. The study assesses the performance of the oil traps using specific parameters and the characterization of durio zibethinus and oryza sativa. The effectiveness of the oil trap is measured through various parameters, including physical properties like turbidity and chemical properties such as pH and oil and grease content. The study concludes with the successful development of an oil trap that has the potential to mitigate water pollution caused by oil waste.</span></p> Siti Arinah Sanat Rozilaili binti Mustapa Shalwarina binti Zainal Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 215 221 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.154 Politeness in the Language of West Jakarta Metro Police Officers During Dialogic Patrol Activities <p>This study examines the implementation of politeness strategies in the communication of police officers when carrying out dialogic patrol duties in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police. Politeness is an important aspect in communication between the police and the community, functioning as a foundation for creating effective and harmonious interactions. This study uses the theory of politeness developed by Leech and the theory of impoliteness by Culpeper to analyze data obtained through qualitative methods with observation techniques and conversation recording. The results of the study indicate that police officers often use various politeness maxims, such as the maxim of sympathy, tact, and humility in their dialogues with the community. It was also found that the application of politeness strategies can increase public trust in the police and support the effectiveness of persuasive messages delivered. This study is expected to contribute to the understanding of the importance of politeness for police officers in maintaining good relations with the communityThis study examines the implementation of politeness strategies in the communication of police officers when carrying out dialogic patrol duties in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police. Politeness is an important aspect in communication between the police and the community, functioning as a foundation for creating effective and harmonious interactions. This study uses the theory of politeness developed by Leech and the theory of impoliteness by Culpeper to analyze data obtained through qualitative methods with observation techniques and conversation recording. The results of the study indicate that police officers often use various politeness maxims, such as the maxim of sympathy, tact, and humility in their dialogues with the community. It was also found that the application of politeness strategies can increase public trust in the police and support the effectiveness of persuasive messages delivered. This study is expected to contribute to the understanding of the importance of politeness for police officers in maintaining good relations with the community</p> Zeidtry Maulana Aziz Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 222 233 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.155 The Innovation of IoT Water Monitoring Irrigation Solar System <p>This research investigates the significant economic challenges posed by agricultural irrigation, driven by high electricity, water, and labor consumption. The IoT Water Irrigation Solar System is developed to promote sustainable agricultural sector growth while minimizing environmental impact. Extensive land exploration for agriculture has resulted in substantial environmental pollution globally. The National Water Services Commission aimed for a per capita water consumption target of 180 liters daily by 2020. The labor force reduction in Malaysia in 2022 incurred a RM22 billion economic loss. Emphasizing renewable energy adoption, such as solar power, is crucial for conserving non- renewable resources. Soil moisture studies play a critical role in optimizing water usage for agriculture. The IoT Water Irrigation Solar System integrates moisture detectors, temperature and humidity sensors, and solar panels. Furthermore, the Blynk Application enhances remote monitoring and data recording capabilities for efficient plant management from distant locations.</p> Rozilaili Mustapa Siti Arinah Sanat Mohamad Fauzi Che Pa Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 234 239 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.159 The Factors Influencing the Extreme Poverty Rate in Medan City in 2008-2022 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Poverty remains a significant issue in various developing countries, including Indonesia, still face high poverty problems and many people live below the poverty line. This situation negatively impacts individuals' well-being, particularly their ability to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. In North Sumatra, especially Medan City, high population density combined with limited job opportunities raises concerns that these factors may worsen poverty levels in the region. To combat and lessen poverty in Medan City, an efficient solution is therefore required. The purpose of this study is to examine how extreme poverty in Medan City is impacted by several factors between 2008 and 2022, including the unemployment rate, education level, population, workforce, investment, inflation, and economic growth. The data used in this study were taken from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Medan City, which includes various publications such as *Medan City in Figures*, poverty statistics, and city data from 2008 to 2022. The methods used in this study are Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that education level and economic growth have a significant effect on poverty in Medan City, while factors such as unemployment, population, workforce, investment, and inflation do not show a significant effect. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that improving education and fostering economic growth are key to reducing extreme poverty in Medan City.</span></p> Dea Ameylia Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty Annisa Ilmi Faried Kiki Hardiansyah Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 2 1 240 251 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.186 LPG Gas Leakage Safety System Prototype Using Servo Motor with MQ-2 And MQ-6 Sensors <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">LPG is a trademark of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). LPG gas is a mixture of various hydrocarbons resulting from the refining of crude oil into gas form. No doubt, LPG gas is a basic need of the community because it is mainly used for cooking and many other things. However, LPG gas is sometimes also dangerous if not used properly. Among the dangers posed by LPG is flammable gas and contains poison when inhaled in large concentrations. Therefore, this research made a tool/prototype of LPG gas leak detection. This system uses the Wemos D1 module and MQ-2 and MQ-6 sensors, as well as servo motors as its main components. In addition, Buzzer and Blynk Apk are also added as indicator and monitor features in this prototype. The working system of the prototype is that if the sensor detects gas exceeding 30 minutes or gas concentration exceeding 400 ppm, the servo motor will actively open the LPG gas regulator valve. The gas concentration value can also be monitored in real-time via the internet by opening Blynk. Until this stage, the prototype is able to work well.</span></p> Ali Rosyid P Ihtiari Prasetyaningrum Denny Hardiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 252 260 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.197 Accessibility of Shopee Pay Later and Its Impact on Community Income in Malang City about Cash Swipe Behavior <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The presence of e-commerce in the industrial world, which is currently supported by the pay later feature, has become a means of easy accessibility in carrying out buying and selling transactions. Funds in pay later should only be used to transact goods on e-commerce applications. However, many people abuse the presence of the pay later feature to disburse it into money which can increase the balance in the user's account. This activity is contrary to the pay later principle which is used as a transaction to buy goods, not exchange them for cash. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with an exploratory approach based on triangulation techniques based on primary and secondary data sources through observation, interviews and literature studies. This research aims to find out more about Shopee pay later accessibility and people's income in Malang City regarding cash swipe behavior. There are many advantages and disadvantages, both in terms of providers and users of gestun services. Apart from that, there are several obstacles that often occur in the transaction process. With this research, researchers hope that there will be further research regarding Shopee pay later gestures and can educate the wider community regarding the dangers and impacts that will arise from using Gestun services. Researchers also hope that there will be firmness from the authorities to follow up on gestun behavior in society.</span></p> Anindya Putri Istiqomah Clara Diandra Ully Haidar Marsya Habibi Izzah Nabila Shofiya Nur Arifani Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 261 267 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.198 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method As Environmental Law Enforcement In Green Economic Development <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Apart from having the impact of rapid economic growth, rapid economic growth will optimize production factor inputs and generate abundant national income, but it also leaves negative effects on the environment due to residues in the economic process which have an impact on environmental degradation and damage. To find out the existence of Life Cycle Assessment in environmental preservation and Life Cycle Assessment to encourage environmentally sound development. The method used is descriptive qualitative by collecting literature studies and basing it on data analysis literature using systematic literature review techniques. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to assess the environmental impact of all stages in the life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction, production, distribution, use, to final processing or recycling. This method provides a comprehensive picture of the total environmental footprint of a product or service. Environmentally sound development is a conscious and planned effort to use and manage resources wisely in planned and sustainable development to improve the quality of human life. This perspective on sustainable development must be understood as an ethic in development politics, namely a moral commitment to organizers in development, carried out to achieve goals without sacrificing other aspects.</span></p> Alfin Dwi Novemyanto Muhammad Nazri Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 268 280 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.200 Income Analysis of Shallot Farmers in Sragen Regency <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Shallot (Allium Ascalonicum L) is a superior agricultural commodity in Sragen Regency. The main problem most often faced by shallot farmers in Sragen Regency is the high level of price fluctuations. Price instability causes farmers to complain about their unstable income. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the level of shallot farming income in Sragen Regency. This research was conducted from May to June in Sragen Regency. The research method used is the survey method with interviews using questionnaires to shallot farmers in Sragen Regency. Determination of the number of respondents using the lemeshow formula by being taken in several villages in Kedawung District, Sragen Regency. Determination of the sampling location in Kedawung Sub-district, because it is the highest shallot producing area in Sragen Regency. The method used to determine the sample is Proportional Sampling. The results showed that the average revenue of each farmer was fairly significant, while for the average production cost expenditure of each shallot farmer was different. The average income of shallot farmers in Sragen Regency is quite high. Although the average income of shallot farmers is high, the stability of this income is still a concern for shallot farmers in Sragen Regency, moreover, if the selling price of shallots is unstable, it can cause farmers to lose and result in not being able to meet all their needs.</span></p> Aldira Dwi Saputri Retna Dewi Lestari Bimoseno Sepfrian Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 281 287 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.201 The Economic Potential of Natural Tourism Teroh-Teroh Waterfall on Community Income Langkat District <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism that focuses on nature management to encourage understanding, appreciation, and conservation of the environment and culture. This paper analyzed the potential of Teroh-teroh waterfall ecotourism to increase the income of the community around the tourist attractions. This study aims to determine the factors of attractiveness, science and technology, facilities and infrastructure, security, and the number of visitors who are relevant in influencing the income of the community around the location of the Teroh-teroh waterfall tourist attraction in Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bingai District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. This research uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative data is a type of research data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. Data was processed using variable test analysis and then using multiple linear regression. The data obtained and the distribution of questionnaires was processed using SPSS software Version 25.0 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that of the 7 variables analyzed Based on the results of the management of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on the rotation output (Rotated Component Matrix) the largest component 1 is the infrastructure of 0.965, worthy of influencing Community income. So it can be concluded from the results of this study that infrastructure has a significant effect on community income around the Teroh-through waterfall tourist location and shows that ecotourism of 0.839 is feasible to affect community income. So it can be concluded that ecotourism also has a significant effect on community income around the Teroh-teroh Waterfall tourist location.</span></p> Juli Nurhaliza Novi Andriana Mega Lusiana Sitorus Khairul Azmi Weli Yusliani Hulu Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 288 299 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.202 Study of the Program to Increase Tobacco Commodity Production in Karanganyar Regency <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The plantation sector, with tobacco as one of the leading commodities, has an important role in the Indonesian economy. Karanganyar Regency is one of the main tobacco-producing areas in Central Java. This study aims to evaluate the tobacco production improvement program in Karanganyar Regency using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with tobacco farmers and key informants, as well as structured questionnaires to 83 farmers. The results of the analysis show that the program to increase tobacco production in Karanganyar Regency is effective as a whole. This program is contextual, has adequate inputs, processes that are well implemented, produces useful products, and has a positive impact on farmers. Although this program is effective, there are several things that need to be improved, such as intensification of extension, increased assistance, and easy access to production facilities for farmers such as fertilizers, pesticides, and quality seeds. These efforts are expected to increase tobacco production in Karanganyar Regency in a sustainable manner and improve the welfare of farmers.</span></p> Tri Purwani Rahma Setiyani Setyo Rahyunanto Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 300 308 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.203 Teacher Strategies in Developing Student Identity Through A Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Approach in Primary Schools <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesia as a nation has various ethnicities and cultures, which are characterized by unique languages, traditions and values. However, in the rapidly growing dynamics of globalization, this diversity is often faced with challenges in maintaining its authenticity. The erosion of identity is a serious concern today. Identity is not only about how individuals or groups recognize themselves, but also how they are recognized and accepted in society. In Indonesia, the educational process has an important role in forming and strengthening students' identities, especially at the elementary school level. This research aims to describe teachers' strategies in developing student identity through the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach in elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative research approach and a phenomenological type. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. The research subjects were the homeroom teacher and fourth grade elementary school students. This research is explained in several steps, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that teachers integrated local culture in open materials by including folklore, local history, and traditional crafts. teachers also connect lesson material with students' daily lives to make learning more relevant and meaningful, using examples that come from students' daily experiences; Use of language relevant to students' cultural background; Teachers also use a variety of learning methods. The strategies used by teachers using the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach have proven to be effective in helping students understand and appreciate their cultural identity.</span></p> Alamha Siti Aisah Ria Hopipah Ditami Ayu Saputri Maysarah Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 309 314 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.205 Increasing Students' Learning Concentration Through The PBL Learning Model <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Student learning concentration is an important factor in the learning process that can influence learning outcomes. However, it is often found that students have difficulty maintaining concentration during the learning process. This research aims to describe how the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model can increase the learning concentration of fifth grade elementary school students. The background to this research is based on the importance of concentration in the learning process which can influence student learning outcomes. However, many students experience difficulty in maintaining concentration during learning. This research uses the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method which is carried out in two cycles, each consisting of planning, action, observation and reflection stages. The research subjects were fifth grade students in elementary schools, with research instruments including interview sheets, observations and documentation. Then analyzed using the Milles &amp; Huberman technique. The results showed a significant increase in students' learning concentration. In the initial pre-cycle conditions, only 2 students (12.5%) met the four learning concentration indicators. After being given action using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in cycle I, the number of students' learning concentration increased to 8 students (50%). Then in cycle II, after reflecting on the actions in cycle I, there was a further increase to 14 students (87.5%). Implementing PBL not only increases concentration but also students' motivation and involvement in the learning process. Students become more active, motivated and focused when working on group assignments that are based on real problems.</span></p> Anisa Andriani Tiki Aqsha Endang Juliana Sahrul Pahmi Karlina Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 315 321 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.206 Use of Canva in Primary School Education: A Qualitative Study of The Use, Advantages and Disadvantages of Canva <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the midst of developments, the role of teachers in the technological era is very important to ensure that technology is used effectively and is useful in education. Teachers must be able to utilize various technological tools to create interesting and interactive learning experiences. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. Researchers used triangulation of sources. Data collection techniques used in this research include observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that Canva has become a very valuable tool in the learning process, helping teachers design interesting and effective learning materials. Using Canva in creating presentations, infographics, posters, banners and learning videos has been proven to increase students' understanding and retention of lesson material. Canva's main advantages include a user-friendly interface, high accessibility, and support for inclusive education. However, there are some drawbacks, such as limited features in the free version and the need for a stable internet connection.</span></p> Astuti Hidayati Sayfudin Zuhdi Meri Resti Tio Tanra Azaria Lisa Andary Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 322 326 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.207 Use of Canva in Learning in Class IV Primary School <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">21st century learning also prioritizes the use of information and communication technology with a constructivist approach that places students at the center of the learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative field research. The aim of the research is to collect data regarding the use of the Canva application in the learning process. Researchers directly observed the use of Canva by teachers and students, and understood their context and experiences through observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. Canva is a very useful tool in learning in fourth grade elementary school. This platform offers an easy-to-use interface and various templates that make it easy for students to create visual materials such as posters and infographics. Using Canva not only increases students' interest in learning but also supports the development of creativity, technology skills and collaboration in groups. Apart from that, Canva helps teachers create teaching materials that are inclusive and appropriate to student needs. Overall, Canva plays an important role in making learning more interactive, fun and relevant, and preparing students with 21st century skills that are essential for their future.</span></p> Putri Syifa Olivia Indah Lestari Wiga Rahmayanti Novi Audria Fajar Prasetiawan Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 327 331 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.208 Implementation of Differential Learning in Accommoding Students' Learning Styles in Primary Schools <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Education in an independent curriculum is an approach that provides freedom and flexibility to schools and educators to design learning that is appropriate to local needs and context, and emphasizes the development of 21st century skills, deep understanding and student creativity. So that students' learning needs can be maximally accommodated, a learning approach is needed that is able to meet these needs, one of which is through differentiated learning. This research aims to explore the application of differentiated learning in accommodating students' learning styles in elementary schools. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teachers, and analysis of documents related to learning plans and student evaluations. The research results show that teachers use differentiation learning strategies through the use of video media, images, group discussions, lectures, listening to audio, putting together puzzles, practical activities and so on to meet students' visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning needs. However, teachers face challenges such as limited time, the need for further training, and limited resources, classroom management, various evaluations or assessments. Differentiated learning has been proven to increase student participation, motivation and academic achievement, where students feel more interested and motivated when the material is delivered according to their learning style.</span></p> Lidiawati Pratiwi Saputri Charles Darwin Gessy Frischa Oktavia Hendriani Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 332 339 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.209 Use of Quizizz for Learning Evaluation Class IV Primary School <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Educators in the national education system are responsible for planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, providing guidance, as well as conducting research and community service. Learning evaluation is a core competency that every educator must have, including the ability to use modern evaluation tools in accordance with technological developments such as Quizizz. This research aims to describe the use of the Quizizz application in evaluating learning in class IV elementary schools. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects consisted of teachers and fourth grade students in one of the elementary schools. The research results show that using Quizizz can increase students' learning motivation. This can be seen from the students' enthusiasm in taking the quiz and their active participation during the evaluation process. Students feel more challenged and motivated to learn because of the interactive and gamification features offered by Quizizz. In addition, the feedback provided through Quizizz has proven to be effective in helping students understand their mistakes and improve their understanding of the lesson material. Teachers can provide feedback directly after students complete a quiz, so students can immediately find out the results and correct their mistakes. Research also finds that Quizizz makes it easier for teachers to manage learning evaluations. Teachers can easily create quizzes, aggregate results in real-time, and provide fast and accurate feedback to students. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that Quizizz is an innovative and effective evaluation tool in improving the quality of learning in class IV elementary schools.</span></p> Trisna Selin Edri Anggelina Eka Rosmawati Linda Agustian Nur Aini M. Asyraf Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 340 345 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.210 Library Management Towards the "GLS" as a 21st Century Life Skill in Elementary Schools in the Probolinggo area <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The school library is an important part of education. The school library functions as a learning support for students to develop an interest in reading in order to achieve educational goals at school. School libraries should enable teachers and students to learn new things. School libraries should be able to provide information through reference books such as open books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes and the like. Efforts to introduce and increase literacy are carried out through activities in the library. The aim of this research is to describe library management as an effort to improve the "School Literacy Movement (GLS)" in Probolinggo City and Regency Elementary Schools. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods are observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman approach. The research results show that library management planning has been implemented through organizing and adding supporting facilities, but there is still a need to develop library management both in the facilities and infrastructure aspects. Several factors inhibiting the school Literacy Movement (GLS) include inadequate facilities, limited library operational funds, and external and internal factors regarding students' interest in reading.</span></p> Ani Anjarwati Mohammad Saiful Bahri Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 2 1 346 359 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.211 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Share Price of Mining Companies <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this research is to examine the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Independent Commissioners, and Independent Audit Committees on stock prices. The study focuses on mining companies that were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2020 and 2022. A purposive sampling method was employed to select the sample. For data analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, and descriptive analysis were utilized. According to the findings of the research, 1. The disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility related to CSR-Economics demonstrates a positive but non-significant effect on stock prices. 2. The CSR-Environment aspect within Corporate Social Responsibility disclosures shows a significant positive impact on stock prices.&nbsp; 3. The CSR-Social component in the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility also has a significant positive influence on stock prices.&nbsp; 4. The presence of Independent Commissioners has a positive but non-significant effect on stock prices. 5. The Independent Audit Committee significantly positively influences stock prices.</span></p> Hernawati Pramesti Mujiyon Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 2 1 360 366 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.212 The Factors Affecting Cassava Productivity in Wonogiri Regency <p>Wonogiri Regency is the main cassava production center in Central Java Province. The obstacle of Wonogiri Regency as a central district is the low productivity of cassava. The low productivity of cassava is caused by several factors. This study aims to determine the influence of fertilization frequency factors, type of fertilizer, type of variety, type of soil, amount of fertilizer, amount of urea and planting distance on cassava productivity in Wonogiri Regency. Data for this quantitative research were obtained by interviewing research samples. The data analysis method used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the type of fertilizer, the amount of urea and the planting distance had a real effect on the productivity of cassava, while the factors of fertilization frequency, variety type, soil type, and amount of fertilizer had no effect on cassava productivity in Wonogiri Regency. Based on the results of the research, more efforts are needed in cassava cultivation techniques so that they can produce high productivity.</p> Annisa Vini Fitria Retna Dewi Lestari Bimoseno Sepfrian Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 2 1 367 372 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.204 Education on the First in First Out Method on Storing Animal Product in the Refrigerator <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Animal products are products that are easily damaged. One alternative to maintain shelf life is to store in the refrigerator. The aim of this activity is to provide education to housewives regardling handling the storage of animal products in refrigerator using the FIFO (First In First Out) is a food storage system where the first ingredients enter the refrigerator, the items will be taken out first if they are used. This activity was carried out for 30 household in South Arut District, West Kotawaringin Regency, Pangkalan Bun via Zoom meeting with parameter FIFO : implementation of food entry and exit, packaging use, separation of raw and processed foods. Descriptive data processing by SPSS shows that 54,44% of housewives have implemented the FIFO method and 45,56% have not implemented the FIFO method. Through education activities, it is hoped that housewives will be able to better understand and change habits in storing animal products in the refrigerator, especially using FIFO method.</span></p> Ayutha Wijinindyah Susan E. Lumban Gaol Ida Ketut Mudhita Nur Hamidah Sabiyah Husnaeni Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 2 1 373 379 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.213 Designing an Interior Residential House with an Ecological Concept Approach (Friendly Environment) <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The design of residential interiors with an ecological concept aims to create living spaces that are environmentally friendly, sustainable, and support the well-being of their occupants. This approach integrates ecological principles in material selection, space design, and green technology to minimize environmental impacts and optimize energy efficiency. The study examined strategies such as the use of recycled and natural materials, optimization of natural lighting and ventilation, and energy-saving technologies. Materials such as certified wood, bamboo, and VOC-free paint were selected to improve indoor air quality and sustainability (Digitalcommons@usu &amp; Platt, 2007). The design of the space prioritizes natural lighting and air circulation through windows, skylights, and cross ventilation. Indoor plants and energy-efficient equipment such as LED lights are used to beautify the room and reduce energy consumption. Green technologies such as solar panels and rainwater collection systems are applied to reduce dependence on conventional resources. The design results show that the ecological concept in the interior of the house creates a healthier, more comfortable, and more sustainable environment.</span></p> Dea Syahnas Paradita Dian Muhammad Rifai Indy Rafia Dina Kristiana Seftianingsih Eunike Permata Torris Ticoalu Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 2 1 380 389 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.215 Determinants of Monza Clothing Business Development in East Binjai District <p>Thrifting has emerged as a new trend among teenagers in the modern day, influencing their way of living. The lifestyles of contemporary teenagers, who are always pursuing models, and the significance of more reasonable costs are intimately related to this trend. These days, wearing attractive clothes is the best way to keep up with the newest trends and maintain your appearance, so you don't have to spend a lot of money or search for new items to stay in style. The purpose of this study is to determine how the creation of Monza clothing and what elements affect teens' and Binjai's interests. Regarding the methodology, this study combines descriptive techniques with qualitative research methodologies. The independent variable (Y) Monza clothing business development is sampled using random sampling for the following free variables: (X1) business capital; (X2) income; (X3) labor force; (X4) competitiveness; (X5) distribution; (X6) product quality; (X7) technology; and (X8) price. by the application of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach. The study's findings indicate that consumers' decisions to purchase Monza clothing are influenced by a number of factors, including product quality, pricing, technology, and the company's growth. Double linear regression analysis was then used to examine the collected data. The study's conclusion is that the development of the Monza clothing business in the city of Binjai was positively and significantly impacted by the quality of the product and business capital (A typical study: binjai Timur).</p> Alyara Oktika Ginting Nisa Ulzannah Diva Amanda Putri Cintia Ardini Jevindo Purba Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 2 1 390 399 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.217 Parenting Class Program in Physical Education <p>Understanding related to the roles, duties, participation, involvement and responsibilities of parents in educating and caring for children needs to be programmed and realized considering how important knowledge and insight are for parents in educating children, forming character and making great children. There are already several school programs such as parent associations that try to invite and involve parents in a comprehensive educational process, but they are not effective and efficient because school programs are not well managed and parents' mindsets, knowledge and insight in educating still vary. Parenting class management and efforts to increase parents' knowledge and insight in educating and caring for their children is a very important program in order to educate the life of the nation and develop children's character. Parents and the school should complement each other, collaborate and synergize so that they can work together in harmony in implementing school programs through parent class programs to create quality education. The role and involvement of parents in school will greatly contribute to making children great. The results of research for 1 year from July 2023 to June 2024, with a total of 180 participants, 12 teachers and 12 Educational Communities (school supervisors, school committees, Education offices) throughout Magelang Regency showed positive results. The implementation of this parent class program has been tested and proven to be effective in producing children who are great and have character. Great children, good character and intelligence are formed because of great parents. Great parents are parents who are involved and can collaborate with teachers, the educational community, and stakeholders in order to implement parent class programs.</p> Slamet Santoso Ninda Beny Asfuri Asfuri Copyright (c) 2024 ICEETE Conference Series 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 2 1 400 408 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.219 Development of an Instrument to Measure Students’ Sustainability Awareness in Physics Learning <p>By integrating ESD concepts and science, the aim is to increase student awareness and develop student patterns that support sustainable development. Therefore, equipment is needed to measure this posture. This research aims to develop a desire awareness tool for middle school students regarding temperature and heat. The research method used is research and development using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The tool developed consists of 15 statements regarding ESD dimensions (environmental, social, economic) and desire awareness categories (behavior and attitude awareness, emotional awareness, desire practice awareness). Based on the Rasch modeling results, it was found that most of the items were valid, with item reliability values in the "excellent" category and Cronbach's alpha values in the "very good" category. The good condition of the respondents and items makes us confident that this instrument can be used as a data collection tool. Andrich's threshold on the part moves towards the positive. This means that the choices given are valid for the respondent and the unidimensionality is included in the "specific" category. This means that the instrument used to measure desire awareness is not influenced by other variables.</p> Aufani Hazimah Saptaji Didi Teguh Chandra Ida Kaniawati Copyright (c) 2025 ICEETE Conference Series 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 2 1 409 424 10.36728/iceete.v2i1.220