The Influence of Education on The Level of Knowledge and Behavior about the Antibiotic for Lectureres at Sahid University Surakarta
The problem of drug misapplication is a case that still often encountered in society. Many people buy potent drugs without a doctor's prescription. Lack of knowledge in knowing the side effects of drugs, storing drugs and disposing of unused drug waste to be destroyed first causes many cases of medication errors to occur, thus increasing ineffectiveness in drug administration therapy. The aim of the research was to determine the profile of drug storage and disposal, family members of Sahid University Surakarta lecturers in drug management at home, the quality profile of drug management, and analyze the factors that influence drug management at home and their effects after being given the correct used antibiotics education. This research uses a pre-experimental design method with a pretest/posttest intervention design without control group, sampling for this research uses a purposive sampling technique. The sample for this research were lecturers at Sahid University of Surakarta in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria that had been determined with a total of 20 respondents. The results of the research show that the results of the Wilcoxon Test have a p value = 0.000 (p<0.05). This shows that providing antibiotics medicine education influences the level of knowledge and behavior of the lecturers at Sahid University of Surakarta regarding drug use. The conclusion of this research showing that there is a need to disseminate knowledge about used antiobiotics medicine especially regarding antibiotic drugs, so that the public understands better how to use drugs properly and correctly.
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