What Are The Roles of The Islamic State University Students In Facing 2045 Megatrend?

  • Uswatun Hasanah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Farel Alhafiz Universitas KH.Abdul Chalim Mojokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: Student, Megatrends 2045


The world megatrends of 2045 in the form of world demography, global urbanization, international trade, global finance, the middle-income class, competition for natural resources, climate change, technological advances, geopolitical changes, and geoeconomic changes are already happening. So, the duties and responsibilities of Islamic State University are, of course, getting bigger, and students play an essential role in the success of all the agendas and roadmaps formulated by Islamic State University and the government. Therefore, this study aims to examine the role of Islamic State University students in dealing with Megatrend 2045. This study uses a qualitative library method with documentation and content analysis techniques. The results of the study show that students act as agents of change in supporting the adaptation and transformation of Islamic State University, play the role of iron stock to become the next generation of quality, become social control to create a country that is safe and peaceful, and become a moral force to become Islamic State University students with noble character. In conclusion, Islamic State University students can become important actors in the success of government programs in dealing with the 2045 megatrend if they continue to develop their potential and carry out their roles well.


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How to Cite
Hasanah, U., & Alhafiz, F. (2024). What Are The Roles of The Islamic State University Students In Facing 2045 Megatrend?. ICEETE Conference Series, 2(1), 194-203. https://doi.org/10.36728/iceete.v2i1.191