The Factors Affecting Cassava Productivity in Wonogiri Regency

  • Annisa Vini Fitria Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
  • Retna Dewi Lestari Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
  • Bimoseno Sepfrian Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
Keywords: Factors influencing productivity, Productivity, Cassava


Wonogiri Regency is the main cassava production center in Central Java Province. The obstacle of Wonogiri Regency as a central district is the low productivity of cassava. The low productivity of cassava is caused by several factors. This study aims to determine the influence of fertilization frequency factors, type of fertilizer, type of variety, type of soil, amount of fertilizer, amount of urea and planting distance on cassava productivity in Wonogiri Regency. Data for this quantitative research were obtained by interviewing research samples. The data analysis method used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the type of fertilizer, the amount of urea and the planting distance had a real effect on the productivity of cassava, while the factors of fertilization frequency, variety type, soil type, and amount of fertilizer had no effect on cassava productivity in Wonogiri Regency. Based on the results of the research, more efforts are needed in cassava cultivation techniques so that they can produce high productivity.


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How to Cite
Fitria, A. V., Lestari, R. D., & Sepfrian, B. (2024). The Factors Affecting Cassava Productivity in Wonogiri Regency. ICEETE Conference Series, 2(1), 367-372.