Parenting Class Program in Physical Education
Understanding related to the roles, duties, participation, involvement and responsibilities of parents in educating and caring for children needs to be programmed and realized considering how important knowledge and insight are for parents in educating children, forming character and making great children. There are already several school programs such as parent associations that try to invite and involve parents in a comprehensive educational process, but they are not effective and efficient because school programs are not well managed and parents' mindsets, knowledge and insight in educating still vary. Parenting class management and efforts to increase parents' knowledge and insight in educating and caring for their children is a very important program in order to educate the life of the nation and develop children's character. Parents and the school should complement each other, collaborate and synergize so that they can work together in harmony in implementing school programs through parent class programs to create quality education. The role and involvement of parents in school will greatly contribute to making children great. The results of research for 1 year from July 2023 to June 2024, with a total of 180 participants, 12 teachers and 12 Educational Communities (school supervisors, school committees, Education offices) throughout Magelang Regency showed positive results. The implementation of this parent class program has been tested and proven to be effective in producing children who are great and have character. Great children, good character and intelligence are formed because of great parents. Great parents are parents who are involved and can collaborate with teachers, the educational community, and stakeholders in order to implement parent class programs.
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