Building Roof Model Influenced by Environmental Climate
The roof is the main thing in a building that functions to protect the building and occupants. Indonesia has gable and trapezium roof models. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages are managed to become a strength that complements the building. The roof consists of three parts, first the roof frame, second the roof covering frame and the covering material. The roof frame is often called the truss and is made of wood, iron, concrete or mild steel. The covering frame is often called a batten made of bamboo wood or mild steel. The roof is often called tiles made from clay, concrete or metal. Each roof construction has different slope requirements. The slope angle will affect the maintenance, durability and beauty of the building. Determining the angle must be careful and adjusted to the characteristics of the roof covering. The characteristics of the roof angle are influenced by the impermeability of the covering material. The more impermeable it is, the slower the angle will be. The climate also affects the existing roof model. The angle of the roof will be influenced by the environmental climate. The climate affects the use of roof angles.
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