Sustainable Peri-Urban Area Arrangement Using a Land Consolidation Approach (Case Study: Sanggulan Village, Tabanan Regency)
This research aims to explain the arrangement of peri-urban areas through a land consolidation approach that has been implemented by Sanggulan Village, Tabanan Regency. Land consolidation is an approach in organizing development by regulating land tenure, adjusting land use with spatial plans, procuring land for development purposes and improving the quality of the environment for sustainable development. Sanggulan Village is one of the peri-urban areas in Bali Province that has applied a land consolidation approach since 1984/1985. Despite facing several obstacles, the land consolidation process in Sanggulan Village was finally completed in 2019. Land consolidation in Sanggulan Village has had a positive impact, such as reducing land fragmentation, increasing development potential, improving accessibility, encouraging better property development, minimizing risk and uncertainty, and increasing investment value. This research uses a comparative case study and descriptive approach to find the positive impacts of implementing land consolidation for sustainable development in peri urban areas in Sanggulan Village. The results of this study can serve as an example for the arrangement of other peri-urban areas in Bali Province.
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