The Strategic of School Principal Leadership in Dealing with School Management Problems at The Menara Fitrah Integrated Islamic High School
School management plays a very important position in the implementation of education. However, in implementing school management, it cannot be separated from challenges and challenges. As the highest peak in the school's organizational structure, the principal has a significant role in determining direction and policy in the running of management at the school.This research aims to analyze the principal's leadership strategy in dealing with various school management problems at SMA IT Menara Fitrah and identify supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the principal's leadership strategy. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. carried out at SMA IT Menara Fitrah, Ogan Ilir Regency. The key informant of this research is the school principal and the supporting informants are teachers and students. Research data was collected by interviews, observations and documentation studies. To obtain credible findings and data validity, triangulation techniques were used. The research results show that the principal of SMA IT Menara Fitrah applies transformational leadership strategies in dealing with school management problems. This strategy includes: building a clear and measurable school vision, mission and goals, maintaining a positive and supportive school culture, encouraging participation and empowering all school officials and stakeholders to achieve school goals, and developing an effective evaluation and accountability system. The factors that support the implementation of the principal's leadership strategy include the principal's commitment to realizing the school's vision, mission and goals. Meanwhile, factors that hinder the implementation of the principal's leadership strategy include the lack of communication and commitment of some school officials in supporting the success of school management.
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