Implementation of Differential Learning in Accommoding Students' Learning Styles in Primary Schools
Education in an independent curriculum is an approach that provides freedom and flexibility to schools and educators to design learning that is appropriate to local needs and context, and emphasizes the development of 21st century skills, deep understanding and student creativity. So that students' learning needs can be maximally accommodated, a learning approach is needed that is able to meet these needs, one of which is through differentiated learning. This research aims to explore the application of differentiated learning in accommodating students' learning styles in elementary schools. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teachers, and analysis of documents related to learning plans and student evaluations. The research results show that teachers use differentiation learning strategies through the use of video media, images, group discussions, lectures, listening to audio, putting together puzzles, practical activities and so on to meet students' visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning needs. However, teachers face challenges such as limited time, the need for further training, and limited resources, classroom management, various evaluations or assessments. Differentiated learning has been proven to increase student participation, motivation and academic achievement, where students feel more interested and motivated when the material is delivered according to their learning style.
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