Development of Balaghoh Badi’ Questions based on HOTS using WordWall Media for Madrasah Aliyah Students
High Order Thinking Skill includes three important components in helping to improve the mindset, there are analyzing, evaluating, and creating. However, there is no implementation of HOTS in Balaghoh, because this matter were considered difficult, whereas HOTS can solve this because the student not only understand the matter, but also analyze, evaluate and create the sentences correctly without memorizing it. To help the students understand the useful of these qowaid, the researcher developed badi’ questions based on HOTS with media word wall, this media can encourage the student to answer and help them to create the sentences like Arabs create it. The type of research used by researchers was R&D as well as data collection techniques used in this research is observation, interview, questionnaire and test. The sample in the study was third grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga with a total of 20 students. The instrument in this study used a High Order Thinking Skill-based test totaling 50 questions that had been placed in WordWall media. The data analysis technique in this study used a question validity test which obtained a valid category on all questions. and the reliability test got a value of 0.974 which is a reliable category, in the item difficulty test there were 14 questions in the easy category, 24 questions in the medium category, and 12 questions in the difficult category. And in the test of discriminating power there are 22 questions
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