Value-Based Selling as an Intervening Variable: Impacts on Salesperson Innovativeness and Performance

  • Maria Augustine Graciafernandy Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Elisabeth Rotua Simamora Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Eko Usriyono Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: customer-centricity, innovation, mediation analysis, salesperson performance, value-based selling


This research addresses gaps in understanding the role of salesperson innovativeness and its influence on salesperson performance, specifically examining the mediating effect of value-based selling. The study seeks to answer whether salesperson innovativeness impacts performance and if value-based selling mediates this relationship. Employing a quantitative approach, the study was conducted in a sales organization where respondents were selected using purposive sampling. Data was analyzed through regression and mediation analysis. Results indicate that salesperson innovativeness significantly enhances performance but does not significantly affect value-based selling. Additionally, while value-based selling positively impacts performance, it does not mediate the relationship between innovativeness and performance. These findings suggest that fostering innovativeness directly boosts performance but relying on value-based selling as a mediator is ineffective. Future research should consider longitudinal studies to understand long-term effects, incorporate other relevant variables, conduct comparative studies across different industries, and utilize mixed-methods research to gain deeper insights into the dynamics between innovativeness, value-based selling, and performance. These approaches will help develop more comprehensive strategies for improving salesperson performance.


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How to Cite
Graciafernandy, M. A., Simamora, E. R., & Usriyono, E. (2024). Value-Based Selling as an Intervening Variable: Impacts on Salesperson Innovativeness and Performance. ICEETE Conference Series, 1(1), 119-131. Retrieved from