Blueprint SmartGreen: Efforts in The Application Sustainable Development Goals Agenda in Malaysian Polytechnic and Community College System

  • Mohd Zamri Bin Jamaludin Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Sungai Air Tawar, Selangor, Malaysia


In addressing the imperative of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda, the Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education (DPCCE) is actively committed to a proactive role. This commitment materializes through the transformation from the Polytechnic Malaysia Blueprint 2015-2020 (BPPM) to the Blueprint SmartGreen Polytechnic Community College 2021-2026 (BSGPC). While the preceding BPPM centered on ten Focus Areas (BT) related to green technology, the BSGPC adopts a more expansive approach by aligning with all 17 SDGs within seven Focus Areas. Formulating the problem at hand involves addressing the necessity for sustainable development in higher education institutions, specifically polytechnics and community colleges, with a focus on achieving the SDGs. The objective of this study is to critically examine the BSGPC's transformative impact on strategic management, project achievement targets, sustainable campus recognition, innovation and creativity enhancement, and collaboration strengthening with various stakeholders. The research methodology employs a combination of literature review and descriptive-explanatory analysis to comprehensively investigate the rationale, requirements, and potential outcomes of BSGPC. Preliminary findings indicate that BSGPC serves as a crucial reference and guide, setting the strategic direction for sustainable development initiatives in polytechnics and community colleges, not only within the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education but also influencing broader educational institutions nationwide.


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