Business Model Canvas and SWOT Analysis on the Purchases Feasibility Electric Vehicles in Denpasar City

  • Ni Luh Kadek Dwi Kartika Shanti Universitas Mahendradatta
  • Ni Wayan Ari Sudiartini Faculty of Economics, Mahendradatta University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Yuli Tresna Dewi Faculty of Economics, Mahendradatta University, Denpasar, Indonesia


The use of electric vehicles is currently one of the main ways to achieve one of the main targets and goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely Climate Action or a form of focus on handling climate change and realizing fossil energy security. Although electric vehicles have more positive impacts on the environment and the community, their usage is still relatively low compared to conventional vehicles. This research aims to determine the feasibility of purchasing electric vehicles at Uwinfly Arjuna Bali. Uwinfly Arjuna Bali uses Business Model Canvas and SWOT analysis to create the right sales and promotion strategy to encourage public interest in electric vehicles. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. The data used in this study was obtained from interviews, documentation, and literature studies. The application of the IFAS Matrix, EFAS Matrix, IE Matrix, and SWOT Matrix is used in SWOT analysis. In addition, to find out the market conditions in the Uwinfly Arjuna Bali business, a feasibility assessment of non-financial and financial aspects is also carried out. The analysis using the Business Model Canvas indicates a need for development in customer segmentation. The results of the SWOT Matrix analysis show that Uwinfly Arjuna Bali’s business is strong and likely. In the analysis of business feasibility aspects, it can be concluded that Uwinfly Arjuna Bali’s business is worth pursuing.


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